Sunday, 8 December 2013

Test Taking Vocabulary

GRADE 7s!!!! Here is a great video that supports what we have been talking about in our writing. This shows the importance of adding specific details to our writing to support the points that we are trying to make. Keep this in mind for our current writing tasks!

Christmas Games

Nelson Mandela

I don't think that there is a better 21st Century example we can use in our class to discuss Human Dignity and Reconciliation than Nelson Mandela. We only need to look to his example of how he treated his captures to understand what respect for others and reconciliation means. 

Use this period to research Nelson Mandela and respond with a paragraph on how you think he connects to our Focus on Faith theme, Human Dignity

Here are a few links that will help you begin:

Nelson Mandela's Life Story (We watched in class on Friday) 

Mandela Release From Prison Speech
Listen to the amazing response he gets from the crowd! 6 minutes of non-stop cheering! Amazing. 

Who Is Nelson Mandela?

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Fabricating Beauty - Body Talk

Write a comment sharing your ideas and feeling about this video. When you are complete, read and comment on 2 other classmate's posts. You may choose to answer some of the following questions:

- What did you find most surprising?
- What types of techniques did you see being used to alter/modify the images of the models?
- Do you think the models feel about their images being manipulated?- Why do you think advertisers employ the techniques (such as lighting, air brushing, camera angles, etc.) in their advertisements?
- Are advertisers manipulating their audiences?
- Have you felt manipulated by advertisements in the past?
- How might the techniques used in advertisements affect the audience?
- How might these advertising techniques affect how a viewer feels about him/herself as well as others in the community? 

Photo Manipulations

Read the attached article (CLICK HERE) and post a comment of your thoughts. You may choose to answer the following questions: 

Why do you think Kate Winslet complained about the magazine photos? 

Do you think that magazines should be required to identify any manipulations made to images in their magazines? 

Are you aware of any similar complaints or lawsuits that have been filed by famous people over image manipulation? 

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Putting MP3 Files into Audacity

Here is how you are going to copy your songs to Audacity and select only the part that you want to play.

CLICK HERE to watch!

How to Convert Songs on ITunes to MP3

This short video will help guide you through the process of properly placing your songs on a USB to bring to class to incorporate in your project. CLICK HERE!

REMEMBER: If you have any questions or need any assistance, see me!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

March Break Fun!

Looking forward to hearing how you have been spending your March Break? Has there been any highlights so far?

Habemus Papam

We have a Pope, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. On March 13, 2013 the College of Cardinals elected the 266th Bishop of Rome, Francis. With the new Pope come many first. Francis is the first Pope to be elected from the South America, he is from Argentina. Here is a short video about Pope Francis.

Do you have any thoughts so far?

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Audacity Support

How to reduce volume on one track in Audacity

How to use the time shift tool to place songs and audio in the part that you want them in Audacity

Friday, 1 March 2013

Papal Conclave

Here is an interesting, animated guide to understand a bit more the process that is taken to elect a new leader of the Catholic church.

Click Here.

Monday, 18 February 2013

The Way of the Cross

Hello Grade 7s...

As we prepare for the presentation of the Way of the Cross on Holy Thursday, please watch this video to get some ideas for in your head!

Mr. Santarelli

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Shannen's Dream

As we gear up for speeches, here is another interesting story that talks about children's rights and the dignity of all people. 

In what ways do you take your education for granted? 
Do you have any thoughts on Shannen's story? 

Monday, 14 January 2013

Current Affairs

Begin to look for some interesting current affairs that are happening in our community, provincially, nationally or globally. Here is an example. Recently a pod of Killer Whales (Orcas) were trapped under the ice in Northern Quebec. Read more at

Tuesday, 8 January 2013