Sunday, 7 April 2013

Fabricating Beauty - Body Talk

Write a comment sharing your ideas and feeling about this video. When you are complete, read and comment on 2 other classmate's posts. You may choose to answer some of the following questions:

- What did you find most surprising?
- What types of techniques did you see being used to alter/modify the images of the models?
- Do you think the models feel about their images being manipulated?- Why do you think advertisers employ the techniques (such as lighting, air brushing, camera angles, etc.) in their advertisements?
- Are advertisers manipulating their audiences?
- Have you felt manipulated by advertisements in the past?
- How might the techniques used in advertisements affect the audience?
- How might these advertising techniques affect how a viewer feels about him/herself as well as others in the community? 

Photo Manipulations

Read the attached article (CLICK HERE) and post a comment of your thoughts. You may choose to answer the following questions: 

Why do you think Kate Winslet complained about the magazine photos? 

Do you think that magazines should be required to identify any manipulations made to images in their magazines? 

Are you aware of any similar complaints or lawsuits that have been filed by famous people over image manipulation?