Friday, 28 October 2011

The Highway of Heroes

Remembrance Day is only a few weeks away.  Watch the following video and comment on it.  How did this video make you feel?  What did you think of while watching the video and listening to the song.  Create a short paragraph in response to the video.  Be sure to include ideas from the song lyrics.  

Highway of Heroes
By The Trews

The day I shipped out,
They numbered a dozen.
Upon my return,
Were a hundred or so.

From the coast and from the prairies,
I bet they keep coming.
add one more name from Ontario.


Carry me home down The Highway of Heroes.
People above with their flags flying low.
Carry me softly, down The Highway of Heroes.
True Patriot Love,
There was never more.

I served with distinction,
No visions of glory.
I served without question,
Or personal gain.

Seek no justification,
It's not part of my story.
And it offers no comfort to the ones who remain.


I took up my vocation,
I was called by my nation.
Without hesitation,
My answer I gave.

Now I am not wondering,
Bout the things that I might have been.
There's no consolation,
To the forgotten brave.



  1. When I listened to this song and watched the music video, I couldn’t help but feel a bit of sympathy for those families who have lost a loved one because of war. I can’t imagine the sight, as they take that long mournful drive down the Highway of Heroes. I mean, for sure it would be very sad, but I think I would feel somewhat supported by the number of people who line the streets and bridges as I passed by. The song is obviously written in the perspective of a fallen soldier and his journey to war and back home again. With that being said, I wonder if I would react the same if I got a call to war. In the song, a part of the third verse says, “I took up my vocation, I was called by my nation. Without hesitation, my answer I gave.” Would I be willing to drop my life right here, right now to fight for the freedom of those in my country? I do not know. I hope that I would say yes. With this being said, I thank those who were called and did serve this country, Canada. It makes me proud to be a Canadian and learn about our history on the world stage. Thank you to everyone who fought, lost lives, served, and are still serving so that I can have the freedom that I do. I remember.

    Mr. Santarelli

  2. The song made me feel sad for all the families that have lost part of their famalies just so they could help the rest of canada.If i lost one of my parents in war I would feel real sad but also very proud that my family helped to save many peoples lives.Also if I could be as brave as one of the soldiers that got called to war i would be very proud of myself.

  3. This song makes me think of all the families who have lost there loved ones in war. It makes me feel sorrow just to think that thousands of soldiers are dying everyday for us. For our country. Highway of Heroes really makes me think. Do we really want our soldiers dying, do want there to be war. My guess is no. Don't we want peace in this world? I realize its nothing we can really change. But we can dream, can't we?
    Abbey :)

  4. this song really works for remembrance day it makes you sad yet proud of our strong country. war makes me feel bad thousands of men risking, and sometimes losing they're lives trying to save us. after learning about superheros all of my life, watching this video really made me think these men can't fly or shoot lasers from they're eyes but these men are hero's and always will be
    I'm Caleb Vanslingerland and I remember

  5. This rememberance day song makes me wonder how the people that fought in the war felt. When I was listening to this song, it reminds me of another song, "In Flanders Fields" and how all the crosses of the soldiers who fought are remembered on remeberance day, and how poppys are a symbol of this. It makes me feel sad for the people who have lost their lives, and how couragous they were. Personally, I think there should not be war at all, but the people who fought in them showed that they wanted freedom for their people, and how much they cared. In the song, it says, "... and it offers no comfort to those who remain." I think this means that the person singing in this song (in the perspective of a soldier) is saying that he was injured, and had to be taken back home. It could mean that it wasn't very, "inspiring", lets say, to the other soldiers that were still fighting. they could feel like that would just happen to them too. But they kepy fighting for freedom of our country. These soldiers risked their lives for us. The soldiers were couragous, strong, caring, and brave. I remember.

  6. This song makes me feel a little sad for the people that have lots their loved ones in War. Thousands for people risking their lives to help us all. I agree with Sofia I think should be no war at all. The soilders now and then were Brave, couragous, and caring, therefore I remember.

  7. This video makes me feel proud and sad. It makes me feel proud because these people are risking there lives for others, they are fighting for the good, and they want to make peace around the world just like it is here in Canada. It makes me feel sad because I have had family in the war and every secound they have a chance of dying. I feel really sad because I could not of had anyone in my family go to war or myself I could not imagine going to war and not being able to see my family. These people are very brave because they are risking there lives and they do not get to see their family. I am very proud of these soliders they are doing something I could never do.
    Leah Duivesteyn

  8. This song is really sad, lots of people lost there family because of war. I agree with Jarrod and Sofia I think war should not exist and they should just make up. Soliders have to be vary brave to go into war I would never want too. Therfore I think this is a good song.

    By:Anton :D :D

  9. This song reminds me of Remenbrance Day because the lyrics. The only feeling I could feel was sadness because think of all the people that have died during the war. I also agree with Jarrod,Sofia and Anton. Josh

  10. This song is very touching because i feel bad for all the soilder that died trying to keep are country sfe. I also feel sad for all the familys the had to leave there homes trying to stay alive.

  11. This song can really make a person think. It makes you think of all those brave men and women who make the decision to fight for our country, and to possibly die in the name of Canada. I feel sympathy for all those who lose their lives, for their friends and families, and simply for those who don't care. As a cadet, my sister and I got to experience what many people never get the chance to do. My sister and I went to a Military base called CFB Trenton not long ago, and we actually got to sleep in the bunks that soldiers sleep in when they come home. I felt very special having the chance to do this. My sister has been to the Kingston base too.
    Personally, I don't believe in war. I don't believe in fighting either, but regardless, this country is not perfect, nor will it ever be, and although no one has ever accepted that fact, we have all learned to live with it. I'm very proud of these soldiers, for these people, that have the courage to make a change in this world.

  12. this song is sad. I feel bad for all the people that died trying to save us in the war

  13. I am so very proud, to live in this country of Canada. Soliders fight for their lives, for our sacred country. My great grandpa, was in World War Two and survived. I am very prous of him and all he has done for our country. He wasn't forced to go... he wanted to. He wanted to be rememberd for fighting in the war. God has truly blessed him. Sadly, he passed away about 5 years ago, but like every other fighter, he is very well rememberd. This song, maked us all think of how our country is protected everyday, and how we should give thanks for everything we have. November eleventh is a day we should all look back at the things our people did for us. You are very well rememberd. -Ashby

  14. nickcoolkid18
    this song makes me feel sad because there are people out there fighting for there lives in the war today:(.


  15. This song is very emotional because lots of people were killed and lost a loveed one. I agree with people who say that war should not exist and they should just make up. People who go to war are very couragous and brave. thare should just be peace in our world


  16. This song makes me feel very sad but proud for our country, proud because they are fighting for canada's peace, sad because there risking there lives for our peace. I'm also really sad for the people that lost family members in the war

  17. This video made me feel sad, and proud too. I felt proud because people in Canada are risking there lives for others. They all wanted peace for the world, just like we stil do today. I felt sad because how many people did die in war. I can not even think how there familys must of felt. They probably were proud knowing that there family memeber died helping out there country. But that doesn't mean they didn.t feel sad. The soliders were vary braving doing what they did. I could never do that.

  18. This song is very sad and emotional to me and all the familys who lost there loved ones. I just think that there shuold be No, war and let there be peace on our world. If I got to choose to go in war i would choose not to because i would not want to get killed so i would find another way to save people`s lives.

  19. I love it when people write songs about soldiers in war, it really makes people think and truley understand how difficult it would be to fight in war. My favoutie paragraph in this song is the one that starts with i sereved with distinction mainly because it says that all these people risk their lives for no personal reasons, they do it for others out of the kindness of thier hearts. It is a heartwarming song and again it really makes you think and appreciate everything these courageous soldiers do.

  20. Krista said...

    This song is really sad because it reminds me of my Papa who died when he was station in afghanistan, but what gets me is how we get so mad when someone dosnt do what we ask them to or we dont get we want for christmas but there are people out there that for christmas, wish that their family member or friend will come home alive. the lyrics are explaining that there are a whole bunch of people out there who died for us just to have freedom.

  21. I feel very sorry for the men and women trying to save our country right now, what are they thinking right now? hoping people will remember them forever...

  22. When I heard this song I loved it right away. I agree with Alicia because I love it when people write songs about war. It does truly make people understand how default it is to fight in war. This song made me feel like there is a chance we could show our appreciation for those who fought for our freedom. You never really think about it but there is about thousands of families out there waiting for their love ones to come home. I would just like to say thank you to all the soldiers who fought for our freedom and showed how courageous Canada can be.


  23. When I listened to this song, I felt proud and sad all at the same time. I felt proud because people we don't even know-complete strangers! - would die to protect there country. I felt sad because of all the people dieing and their families that would never see them again if they died. I think that when a solider dies a small part of Canada does too.I agree with Cristina when I say THANK YOU.

  24. this song makes me feel sad and proud. It makes me feel sad because most of them died in the war. It makes me feel proud to know that people risked there lives for us

  25. This song makes me sad and happy at the same time because people a fighting for our country and homes. Nathan Tomchick

  26. This sng is really beautiful and emotional in the fact of sympathy they have for the soldiers in the war. It shows in the lyrics about one more Canadian soldier risked their lives and died for our country and every single one of those soliders should be remembered.


  27. This song reminds me of the soldiers that fight for our freedom, and the fact that the war cannot be controlled and that we should be proud that the soldiers are fighting for us. I think that war is something that can't be stopped even if we want it to stop. I feel that the lyrics portray the image of sorrow throughout the world because of the constant fighting, and the constant loss of lives. I want the soldiers to know that we are proud of them, and that we remember the reason why they passed: to fight for us. It also reminds me of "In Flander's Fields" because it says the poppies glowing in flander's fields are there to represent the soldiers that have died. "From the coast and from the prairies,I bet they keep coming. Add one more name from Ontario.", makes me think that someone has lost his life fighting for us, and even thought they are gone, there is still more fighting to do, causing others to lose their lives, too. I think that the song is representing that the people that are here to protect us, need to be honored and remembered.

  28. This song makes me feel very sad because. The more I think about it the more I see it’s true. Hundreds of people are risking there lives for Canada I am doing nothing and this makes me feel like a dead weight. I mean compared to them what have I done? Nothing! But honestly what can I do?
